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Gold Outlook 2023 by World Gold Council at BMO Conference: Why the Future Is Bright

World Gold Council Predicts 2023 Will Be a Strong Year for Gold Gold was optimistically forecast at the BMO Capital Markets Global Metals & Mining Conference by the World Gold Council. Their study suggests 2023 will be a good year…

How Recycled Gold Is Transforming the Jewellery Industry

The Environmental Benefits of Recycled Gold The use of recycled gold in jewellery manufacturing offers several environmental benefits. Gold extraction and refining contribute to climate change. Recycling gold is less energy-intensive and emits less emissions than mining and refining. Reduces…

Deciding Between Maples, Philharmonics, Kangaroos and Britannia: Which Silver Coin Is Best?

Background on Popular Government Silver Coins Major governments provide various great silver bullion coins. The Canadian Maple Leaf, Austrian Philharmonic, Australian Kangaroo, and British Britannia are popular. The Canadian Silver Maple Leaf: One of the most famous silver coins is…