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The Stories Behind Canada’s Most Iconic Coins

Nova Scotia’s Famous Racing Ship: Bluenose

Canada’s dime portrays the iconic Bluenose schooner. In the 1920s and 1930s, Nova Scotian shipbuilders and sailors won the International Fisherman’s Trophy using this racing ship.

Bluenose was a 1921 Lunenburg, Nova Scotia fast-fishing schooner. She beat American schooners for over a decade with her exquisite shape and tall masts. The unbeaten Bluenose became a Canadian maritime legend.

The Bluenose denotes Canada after being sold and destroyed in Haiti. One of the numerous Nova Scotia schooner reproductions is Lunenburg’s Bluenose II. Bluenose on the Canadian dime has withstood redesigns since 1937.

The Bluenose symbolizes Canada’s maritime competition. Her story of underdogs overcoming adversity has inspired generations of Canadians. 100 years after her debut, the Bluenose schooner represents Canadian pride.

Maple Leaf: Nature Unites

Maple leaves symbolize Canada. Canada’s flag has had maple leaves since 1965, indicating unity, variety, and nature. Global investors and collectors love Silver and Gold Maple Leaf bullion coins. Canada released Gold Maple Leaf gold bullion coins in 1979. The front has Queen Elizabeth II and the reverse a maple leaf.

Natural Choice: The maple leaf represents Canada. Maple trees thrive in Canada. Internationally, the maple leaf symbolizes Canadian patriotism.

The Royal Canadian Mint creates maple leaf coins from 99.99% gold and silver. You can practically feel the maple leaf moving on these coins. Canadians consider maple leaf coins cultural and natural heritage.

From maple syrup to fall foliage to stunning coins, maple leaves are part of the Canadian experience. Making Canadians proud, the maple leaf means power, resilience, and nature’s beauty.

Loonie: How Canada’s Image Was Made

To replace the $1, Canada introduced the Loonie in 1987. On the coin’s reverse is Canada’s most common aquatic bird, the loon. Loons imply Canadian wilderness and beauty.

Animals appeared on Canadian Loonies. Canada’s lakes, woodlands, and landscapes are represented by loons. All Canadian provinces and territories have loons, signifying unity.

In 1987, about 600 million Loonies were issued. Canadian Mint released its largest coin. Canadians identify with loonies. Around the world, coin collectors enjoy it, and Canadians are proud.

Tonnie: Collectors Choice

The Tonnie is another well-known coin. In 1996, the first two-dollar coin came out. Bears and the North Star are on the other side. The two-metal Toonie looks good and is made in a way that collectors like.

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