Current and future use of gold in electronics

Gold has certain properties that are very desirable when it comes to passing electric currents. There are only a handful of metals that can compete with gold. Other metals might have an advantage over gold in some aspects but are not so significant to outweigh gold. Gold and platinum are one of the most sought-after metals when it comes to metal usage in electronics and conductors.

Gold has a very high conductivity of electricity and is corrosion-resistant. This allows the electronics to perform at a level that other metals might suffer in one or the other way. The only downside of gold is it drives up the manufacturing cost.

The ideal number of transistors per square inch on a microchip would double each year, known as the Moore’s Law. Gold plays a very significant role in this theory; the malleability of gold allows conductors to have more connectors every year. Gold wire can be produced so thin that it can be used as bonding wires with the semiconductor. In hybrid circuits, printed circuit boards with solderable coating, everyone uses gold for contact patches, tracks, solders etc. Gold is used in all these applications because of it is excellent resistance to corrosion.

 Electronics have entered our lives in the past few decades to such a degree, living without them is very difficult. From our cell phones to our cars, our medical equipment to television, computers ETC everything uses conductors in any shape or form. Electronics have become entangled in our lives to such an extent that it is hard to live without them. The Future demand for electronics is on the rise and the use of gold will also increase with it.

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